WASHINGTON – This morning, U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) joined MSNBC’s Morning Joe and discussed his recently published piece in The Atlantic entitled “Democrats Need to Talk About Their Faith.” Audio and video here.

“Look, we have a separation of church and state in this country. It's important that those of us who are elected behave and speak and act in ways that welcome those of different faiths or of no faith. But we shouldn't be hiding the fact that most progressive Democrats I know got into public life and public service moved by the civil rights movement or moved by the labor rights movement, concerned about creation. You know, some of us who are active in fighting climate change, it’s because we believe this is a created world and many of us, I think it would be surprising to you on the panel how many senators -- Democratic senators -- who are running for president who are progressives are progressive people of faith and their values are rooted in the message of the gospel,” said Senator Coons.

I think part of it is a response to the ways in which the far-right weaponized faith in the '80s and ‘90s and we don't want to be seen as so-called Bible thumpers. We have withdrawn from talking openly about our faith in part out of recoiling from those who seem so absolutely certain that they know that scripture demands this particular pathway in politics or policy. And part of the point of my piece was to say that I encourage folks like Joe Biden who you just referenced who I know has gotten through some incredibly hard times because of a deep personal faith. Look, Elizabeth Warren was a Sunday school teacher. There are folks like Senator Booker and Mayor Pete Buttigieg who have spoken about their faith as they have campaigned. Not in a way to say my faith prescribes a specific policy outcome, but in a way to help the American people see their heart and understand why they can and should trust us to help lead again,” said Senator Coons.

